There are two states of mind, and every individual has to make sure not to mingle both state of mind. However, these are imaginary states or hypothetical states that each individual has to maintain. One is internal state and the other external state of mind. Let's understand both states.

1. Internal State

This state of mind is person's private space where no one should be allowed but you. Here your values, visions, planning etc. lies. So, you should not allow any thought to enter in this state of mind. If you will not keep it private, then you will lose in your life. You will not have any vision to go after, to improve your life. And most importantly you will not have any defense mechanism to protect your innate self by which you are made and on which your life depends upon, anything can disturb you any thought, person and situation etc. There are multiple people around us some of them are born talented just like musician, artist or a person from any other profession. But apart from talented people, there are people who idolize these people which is good but for other people hard work is the only key to success and in the right direction. Talented people will be taken care of by the world. Other people have to understand that they cannot idolize these people action, but they can get inspired by the result that they achieve, working upon inspiration is very important. So, for achieving the goals, protect your innate self. Below are some tips which you can follow.

  1.  When someone talks to you do not get too much emotional, sad or angry etc. Empathize with them, listen to them but do not ruin your life because of other people sadness. Take care of yourself as time is limited. Every time that you are invested upon something, some relationships etc. you should help other person up to the extent till you are comfortable, beyond that you may make life miserable.
  2. Always keep yourself first - whenever you are in any situation with other people where other person is dominating you and you always say YES because you do not want that person to go out from your life. Understand that the more you will say YES to please others the less you will be respected. In any relationship there should have to be mutual respect between two people, if not then this relationship is fake and will not last long and YES sayer will always suffer. In true relationships it is necessary to say "NO" also where you are uncomfortable and other person should respect that boundary. If you are in this kind of relationship, then it's better to live as you are and see if other person respects you for that if not then always keep the door open.
  3. Keep your goal in your mind - Whenever you are in situation which you can avoid. Avoid it. If your goals are big then you have to follow the rule of unflappability, stick to your plans and goals and avoid any situation which may ruin your plans. When you follow this your life will be easy and you will be at peace as you will not be acting upon your impulses. You will be stable plus disciplined.

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